Title: A method of evaluating the topographical effect on atmospheric dispersion using a numerical model
Authors: Y. Ichikawa, K. Sada
Addresses: Atmospheric Science Department, Central Research Institute of Electric, Power Industry, 2-11-1 Iwado Kita, Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511, Japan. Atmospheric Science Department, Central Research Institute of Electric, Power Industry, 2-11-1 Iwado Kita, Komae-shi, Tokyo 201-8511, Japan
Abstract: A method of evaluating topographical effects on exhaust gas dispersion using a numerical model is proposed. The numerical model consists of a turbulence closure model and a Lagrangian particle dispersion model. The topographical effect was evaluated in terms of the ratios of maximum concentration and the distance of the point of maximum concentration from the source on the topography to the respective values on a flat plane and the relative concentration distribution along the ground surface plume axis normalised for the maximum concentration on a flat plane. The proposed method was applied to the prediction of the dispersion of exhaust gas from a thermal power plant in a complex terrain. Good agreement was obtained between topographical effects evaluated by the numerical model and wind tunnel experiments.
Keywords: atmospheric dispersion; environmental impact assessment; numerical modelling; particle dispersion model; thermal power plant; topographical effect; turbulence closure model; wind-tunnel experiment.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2001 Vol.16 No.1/2/3/4/5/6, pp.439-450
Published online: 07 Jul 2003 *
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