Title: A concern about shifting interactions between indigenous and non-indigenous parties in US climate adaptation contexts
Authors: Kyle Powys Whyte
Addresses: Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University, South Kedzie Hall, 368 Farm Lane #503, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Abstract: Indigenous peoples everywhere are preparing for or already coping with a number of climate change impacts, from rising sea-levels to shifting harvesting seasons. It is plausible that the capacity for environmental protection of two political institutions will change in relation to certain impacts: treaties and indigenous governmental jurisdictions recognised by the federal governments of nations such as the USA or Canada. This essay explores critically whether current solutions for these changes depend far too crucially on non-indigenous parties' coming to an appropriate understanding of indigenous culture and self-determination.
Keywords: indigenous resilience; treaty rights; climate justice; climate change; environmental justice; indigenous health; indigenous environmental protection; ceded territory; collective rights; indigenous rights; indigenous nations; Indian reservation; United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; indigenous sustainability; sustainable development; indigenous culture; self-determination.
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 2014 Vol.15 No.2/3, pp.114 - 133
Published online: 29 Jul 2014 *
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