Title: Recent advancement on testing and modelling methodologies in rollover analysis
Authors: Clifford C. Chou; King H. Yang
Addresses: Bioengineering Center, Wayne State University, 818 W. Hancock, Detroit, MI 48201, USA ' Bioengineering Center, Wayne State University, 818 W. Hancock, Detroit, MI 48201, USA
Abstract: Rollover crashes are the most complicated and yet least understood incidents among all the vehicle crashes. Many rollover safety research projects have been conducted experimentally and analytically to investigate the underlying principles and causes of vehicle accidents and develop rollover test procedures, test methodologies and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)-based rollover models to evaluate the nature of rollover crash events pertaining to both vehicle and occupant kinematics. Studies of the vehicle and/or occupant kinematics during rollover crashes, in turn, help to understand occupant injury mechanisms for developing countermeasures towards improved rollover occupant protection. In recent years, many significant advances in rollover safety researches have been made towards better rollover safety. This paper reviews some recent progress on rollover research in the literature. Future trends and potential needs in rollover analysis are presented based on reviews of these state-of-the-art technological and methodological progressions on rollover safety.
Keywords: rollover analysis; FEM; finite element method; CAE; computer aided engineering; roll rate sensors; human modelling; image analysis; component test method; occupant protection; ARS; angular rate sensor; IMU; inertial measurement unit; rollover crashes; vehicle crashes; vehicle safety; rollover models; vehicle kinematics; occupant kinematics; injury mechanisms.
International Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2014 Vol.7 No.3/4, pp.225 - 264
Published online: 30 Oct 2014 *
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