Title: Effect of humidity on quasi-static characteristics of foam CF-45 for TRL pedestrian legform impactor
Authors: Yasuhiro Matsui
Addresses: National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, 7-42-27 Jindaiji-Higashi-machi, Chofu, Tokyo, 182-0012 Japan
Abstract: The improvement of computer simulation technology allows car designers to evaluate injury risks of newly designed bumpers by using models of a car and TRL legform impactor. Since a conforTM foam type CF45 of the TRL legform impactor is not a non-ferrous material, the material property of compression characteristics should be clarified for the development of highly reliable TRL legform impactor model. The stress-strain characteristics of CF45 having 25 mm in thickness were investigated under quasi-static compression conditions. The humidity conditions were set at RH20%, RH35%, RH50%, RH65% and RH80%. The effect of humidity on the stress-strain characteristics of CF45 was discussed considering the stiffness of stress-strain.
Keywords: confor foam; CF45; humidity; quasi-static compression; TRL legform impactor; pedestrian legform impactor; stress; strain; stiffness; vehicle design; modelling; vehicle safety; injury risks; bumper design; vehicle bumpers; pedestrians.
International Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2014 Vol.7 No.3/4, pp.440 - 449
Received: 04 Nov 2013
Accepted: 06 Dec 2013
Published online: 30 Oct 2014 *