Title: Systematic approach in maintenance management improvement
Authors: Hana Pacaiova; Anna Nagyova; Jana Namesanska; Juraj Grencik
Addresses: Safety and Quality Production Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovakia ' Safety and Quality Production Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovakia ' Safety and Quality Production Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovakia ' Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Zilina, Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Zilina, Slovakia
Abstract: Process performance measurement is a strong tool for change management in organisation which supports process improvement. This definition includes all activities which present objective and detailed information about process performance. Therefore, it is necessary to set appropriate key performance indicators (KPI) which can objectively describe process effectiveness. In an organisation, the mostly used indicators are amount of production, amount of non-conformity of financial indicators. This paper presents the major advantages and disadvantages in creation processes of KPI, especially in maintenance management processes. It compares different uses of KPI/MPI/SPI in several industry areas and highlights gaps in methodology of KPIs creation and their management according to monitored processes and activities. The aim of this contribution is to create fundamental framework for KPI/MPI/SPI identification in processes of maintenance management related to known processes in several industry enterprises.
Keywords: maintenance management; key performance indicators; KPI; MPI; SPI; safety management; risk; maintenance strategy; performance measurement; change management; process improvement.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSEAM.2013.056322
International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management, 2013 Vol.1 No.3, pp.228 - 237
Published online: 26 Jul 2014 *
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