Title: Russian aircraft industry: between forging ahead and falling behind
Authors: Irina Boyko
Addresses: Logistics and Quality Management Department, Saint-Petersburg State University for Services and Economics, Belysheva, 4, App. 531, Saint Petersburg 193318, Russia
Abstract: The evolution of the Russian development model adopted by the aviation industry is described in the article, with emphasis on the advanced level of basic research and poor performance of civil aircraft manufacturing. Critical analyses of the Russian 'administrative guidance' for the industry, based predominantly on substantial government financial subsistence, is introduced in the article as a policy shortage, requiring more sophisticated strategy to be elaborated and implemented by the federal government. Without explicit industrial policy, the country's aircraft industry has been shifting from forging ahead to falling behind. Abandoning the military-oriented strategy for the development of the aircraft industry, previously pursued by the USSR, has no explicit strategic goals for the development of its civil aviation industry.
Keywords: Russia; aircraft industry; catching up; research and development; R&D; innovation systems; institutional infrastructure; aerospace industry; civil aircraft manufacturing; government support; financial subsidies; industrial policy; industrial strategy.
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 2013 Vol.7 No.1/2, pp.60 - 79
Published online: 26 Jul 2014 *
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