Title: Air pollution in a street canyon estimated considering different parameterisations of vehicle-induced turbulence
Authors: Nicolás A. Mazzeo; Laura E. Venegas; Mariana Dezzutti
Addresses: National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET), Department of Chemical Engineering, Avellaneda Regional Faculty, National Technological University, Av. Ramon Franco 5050, Avellaneda, 1874-Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina ' National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET), Department of Chemical Engineering, Avellaneda Regional Faculty, National Technological University, Av. Ramon Franco 5050, Avellaneda, 1874-Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina ' National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET), Department of Chemical Engineering, Avellaneda Regional Faculty, National Technological University, Av. Ramon Franco 5050, Avellaneda, 1874-Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Abstract: Leeward air pollutant concentrations (C) are estimated by incorporating four parameterisations of traffic-produced turbulence (TPT) into the scaling of C inside a street canyon. Three parameterisations consider expressions previously introduced by other authors, based on a theoretical formulation of TPT and a semi-empirical approach already incorporated in an operational street model. The fourth scheme introduces an empirical expression of TPT derived from four full-scale street canyon datasets. Hourly NOx concentrations are calculated for an asymmetric street canyon in Buenos Aires, using meteorological observations at local airport and modelled background concentrations. Statistical indicators show that the performance of the four schemes is satisfactory.
Keywords: street canyons; traffic-produced turbulence; TPT; traffic pollution; urban areas; atmospheric dispersion modelling; air quality; air pollution; nitrogen oxides; NOx; Argentina; Buenos Aires; airports.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2012 Vol.50 No.1/2/3/4, pp.120 - 129
Published online: 19 Nov 2014 *
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