Title: Editorial
Authors: Surya Nepal; Mukaddim Pathan
Addresses: CSIRO ICT Centre, Cnr Vimiera and Pembroke Roads, Marsfield, NSW 2122, Australia. ' Telstra Corporation Limited, 21/35 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Abstract: Cloud computing has emerged as a new paradigm for the on-demand delivery of computing services to consumers as utilities. Given its innovative nature compared to the standard model of service provisioning, cloud computing raises new questions in terms of security, privacy and trust. Therefore, our focus in this special issue is to analyse the security, privacy and trust aspects of cloud with the aim of providing trusted cloud systems. In this editorial, we first provide a brief overview on various aspects of security, privacy and trust in cloud systems and discuss related recent research and development activities. We then present a brief summary of each of the papers included in this special issue.
Keywords: cloud computing; security; privacy; trust; compliance; accountability; authentication; authorisation; reputation; integrity; confidentiality; availability; non-repudiation; trustworthiness.
International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2012 Vol.1 No.2/3, pp.101 - 118
Published online: 16 Aug 2014 *
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