Title: Green manufacturing in the packaging and materials industry: case study of small-to-medium sized corporate eco-friendly initiatives
Authors: Alan D. Smith
Addresses: Department of Management and Marketing, Robert Morris University, 15219-3099 Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Abstract: Via the examination of two medium-to-large Ohio-based companies, analysed from a case study-perspective, revealed that their approaches to product design, green marketing strategy, and strategically becoming operational leaner and greener, has resulted in significant savings and enhanced reputation, although the exact return-on-investment is still unclear. In particular, the present study inspected aspects of product design and how selective changes have been made based on the customer/market demand for sustainability in materials and/or manufacturing processes. Both companies and the packaging industry in general have been under increasing pressure to become more environmentally friendly, especially in promoting aspects of triple bottom-line and changing business processes that help achieve corporate sustainability.
Keywords: business strategies; green initiatives; operations management; process management; sustainable development; green manufacturing; packaging industry; materials industry; corporate initiatives; eco-friendly initiatives; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; Ohio; USA; United States; product design; marketing strategies; lean manufacturing; lean enterprise; lean production; preserving value; waste reduction; savings; reputation enhancement; return-on-investment; selective changes; customer demand; market demand; manufacturing processes; environmental friendliness; triple bottom-line; business processes; corporate sustainability; Combi Packaging Systems; Marlite; interior wall-systems; logistics systems; logistics management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2012.046700
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2012 Vol.11 No.4, pp.429 - 449
Published online: 28 Nov 2014 *
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