Title: Modelling seaports with Agent-Based Modelling and System Dynamics
Authors: Lauri Lattila
Addresses: Kouvola Research Unit, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Prikaatintie 9, FIN-45100 Kouvola, Finland
Abstract: Seaports are an important part of logistical systems and require adequate capacity to serve its customers. In this paper two simulation models are built with different simulation approaches, one with System Dynamics (SD) and another one with Agent-Based Modelling. Both of the simulation models study how well a seaport is able to cope with its demand. This research shows the advantages and caveats with both of the methodologies in analysing the development of seaports. Queuing Theory was required in the SD model while Agent-Based Modelling was found to be a more suitable approach for studying complex service systems like seaports.
Keywords: system dynamics; ABM; agent-based models; multi-agent systems; MAS; agent-based systems; simulations; seaports; adequate capacity; customers; simulation models; customer demand; queuing theory; complex systems; service systems; Finland; Kotka; ports; shipping; containers; ships; containerisation; logistics systems; logistics management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2011.042055
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2011 Vol.10 No.1, pp.90 - 109
Published online: 06 May 2015 *
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