Title: Comparison of measured and modelled NO2 values at Zurich airport, sensitivity of aircraft NOx emissions inventory and NO2 dispersion parameters
Authors: Nicolas Duchene, Ian Fuller
Addresses: ENVISA, 22 rue Oberkampf, 75011, Paris, France. ' Society – Environment – Economics, EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre, Centre de Bois des Bordes, BP15, F-91222 Bretigny sur Orge CEDEX, France
Abstract: This paper presents a comparison of modelled and measured annual mean NO2 concentrations around Zurich airport. Modelled concentrations were derived from the LASAT Lagrangian model for the airport and from a Gaussian plume model for the Zurich canton. The measured annual mean NO2 concentrations were monitored at stations within the airport. The modelled airport NO2 concentrations fell below 1 µg/m³ beyond 3 km from the airport|s sources. The correlation between measured and modelled concentrations depended on the dominating source. Concentrations for road vehicle dominated sources were underestimated by the model, whereas concentrations from aircraft dominated sources tended to be overestimated.
Keywords: aircraft emissions; dispersion modelling; sensitivity; local air quality; NOx chemistry; verification; validation; Zurich airport; Switzerland; LASAT Lagrangian models; Gaussian plume models; vehicle emissions; air pollution; airport NOx concentrations.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2011 Vol.44 No.1/2/3/4, pp.342 - 350
Published online: 29 Apr 2015 *
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