Title: Developments in ADMS-Airport to take account of near field dispersion and applications to Heathrow Airport
Authors: David Carruthers, Christine McHugh, Mark Jackson, Kate Johnson
Addresses: Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants, 3 Kings Parade, Cambridge, CB2 1SJ, UK. ' Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants, 3 Kings Parade, Cambridge, CB2 1SJ, UK. ' Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants, 3 Kings Parade, Cambridge, CB2 1SJ, UK. ' Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants, 3 Kings Parade, Cambridge, CB2 1SJ, UK
Abstract: ADMS-Airport is based on the ADMS-Urban system for modelling urban air quality. In the near field it employs a quasi-Gaussian dispersion model and this is nested within a trajectory model. Aircraft sources are treated explicitly as accelerating jets. Application of the model to air quality calculations was conducted for the Model Inter-Comparison (MIC) Study of Project for the Sustainable Development of Heathrow (PSDH). ADMS-Airport was compared with monitored air quality data and four other modelling approaches, including semi-empirical methods, the Lagrangian model LASPORT and FAA model EDMS. Further studies of ADMS-Airport using a revised emission inventory are also presented.
Keywords: ADMS-Airport; Heathrow airport; aircraft engines; engine exhaust; jet sources; UK; United Kingdom; near field dispersion; dispersion modelling; air quality; air pollution; model inter-comparison; aircraft emissions.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2011 Vol.44 No.1/2/3/4, pp.332 - 341
Published online: 29 Apr 2015 *
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