Title: How health related issues are likely to drive dispersion modelling over the next decade
Authors: Richard H. Schulze, Christine M. Otto Chambers, Weiping Dai
Addresses: Trinity Consultants, Inc., 12770 Merit Drive, Suite 900, Dallas, Texas, USA. ' Trinity Consultants, Inc., 12770 Merit Drive, Suite 900, Dallas, Texas, USA. ' Trinity Consultants, Inc., 12770 Merit Drive, Suite 900, Dallas, Texas, USA
Abstract: In the future, the focus of dispersion modelling may centre on the aggregation of sources, atmospheric chemical reactions and longer range transport. This will put greater emphasis on the use of assimilated meteorological data as models are used to assess public policy options to minimise the impacts of air pollutants on human health and welfare. Because of the international nature of threats, the effort to develop models will require a high degree of cooperation among those affected. This paper reviews the history and current status of dispersion modelling applications in the USA with the focus of their implication being on health and welfare impacts. Furthermore, this paper shares our views regarding the trends and future applications of dispersion models.
Keywords: dispersion modelling; air quality models; health impacts; welfare impacts; applications; USA; United States; air pollution; meteorological data; public health; public policy.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2011 Vol.44 No.1/2/3/4, pp.122 - 127
Published online: 29 Apr 2015 *
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