Title: Risk management on energy and environmental conservation in CEE countries

Authors: Jerzy Michna, Ludwik Bednarz, Laszlo Elek, Juris Ekmanis, Detlef Frormann, Zbigniew Mantorski, Temenuga Manoilova, Vaclovas Miskinis, Fyodor Molochko, Roman Ney, Arthur Prakhovnik, Jan Rousek, Ulo Rudi, Vasile Rugina, Jerzy Sieminowicz, Namejs Zeltins, Piotr Kaleta

Addresses: ICEEP, Poland; Silesian School of Management, Pl – 40 952 Katowice, ul Krasinskiego 2, Poland. ' Silicon Valley, USA; Soviet and European Research Institute, 127 Onyx Court, Hercules, CA 94547, USA. ' Hungarian Energy Centre Budapest, Hungary. ' Latvian Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, Latvia. ' European Management Academy (EMA), D-40549 Dusseldorf, Heesenstrasse 65, Germany. ' Technical University of Gliwice, Poland. ' Energoproekt, Bulgaria. ' Lithuania Energy Institute, Breslaujos 3, LT-44403 Kaunas, Lithuania. ' Heat Power Institute, Belorussia. ' Silesian School of Management, Pl – 40 952 Katowice, ul Krasinskiego 2, Poland. ' Energy Saving/Management Institute, Ukraine. ' Slovakia Energy Institute of Energy Agency, Bajkalska 27, Bratislava 827 99, Slovakia. ' Technical University of Tallinn, Akademia tee 21E, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia. ' National Institute for Energy R&D, ICEMENBERG Bucharest, Energeticienilor 8, 74568 Bucharest 3, Romania. ' Silesian School of Management, Pl – 40 952 Katowice, ul Krasinskiego 2, Poland. ' Latvian Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, Latvia. ' Silesian School of Management, PL – 40-952 Katowice, ul. Krasinskiego 2, Poland

Abstract: The report has been prepared on the basis of seven independent provided research projects, realised by experts from all countries of CEE. The seven research projects are: 1) Development of risk analyses on energy and environmental conservation; 2) Strategic forecast on energy and environment conservation; 3) Main risk sources identification on energy conservation policy; 4) Risk valuation methods on energy and environment conservation; 5) Used risk valuation methods on energy and environment conservation; 6) Efficient possibilities to decrease economic delinquency; 7) Future ICEEP research on risk management; in CEE countries and completed with used bibliography.

Keywords: risk management; energy conservation; environmental conservation; risk assessment; International Centre on Energy and Environmental Policy; ICEEP; economic delinquency; strategic forecasting; energy policy; Central and Eastern Europe; CEE countries; risk valuation.

DOI: 10.1504/IJGEI.2010.037401

International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2010 Vol.34 No.1/2/3/4, pp.139 - 215

Published online: 06 Dec 2010 *

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