Title: The future of power generation in Estonia

Authors: Ulo Rudi

Addresses: Tallinn University of Technology, Akademia tee 21E, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia

Abstract: Since 2004, Estonia has been a member of the European Union. With the Treaty of Accession the terms and conditions were set for the Estonian energy sector for compliance with the EU legal acts and the objectives of energy and environmental policies: 1) increase of the share of electricity produced from renewables; 2) opening of the electricity market; 3) bringing the oil shale based power engineering in accordance with the EU environmental requirements; 4) meeting the targets set by the EU Energy and Climate Package by 2020. A new strategic approach is thus required to developing the future scenarios of electricity production. In this article, an overview of the present state of the Estonian energy sector is presented and possible future scenarios of electricity production are analysed to perform the duties pursuant to the Treaty of Accession and targets set by the EU energy and environmental policy.

Keywords: energy strategy; energy apolicy; environmental policy; power generation scenarios; Estonia; Central and Eastern Europe; CEE countries; renewable energy; electricity markets; oil shale.

DOI: 10.1504/IJGEI.2010.037393

International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2010 Vol.34 No.1/2/3/4, pp.68 - 77

Published online: 06 Dec 2010 *

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