Title: Optimal batch size in a single-stage and optimal number of kanbans in a multi-stage JIT production-delivery system with rework consideration
Authors: Mallika Parveen, T.V.V.L.N. Rao
Addresses: Mechanical Engineering Department, BITS, Pilani-Dubai, International Academic City, P.O. Box No. 500022, Dubai, UAE. ' Mechanical Engineering Group, BITS, Pilani – 333 031, India
Abstract: This paper addresses lot sizing decisions when defective items can be reworked. In this work, models have been developed considering rework process for a single-stage and a multi-stage production system. In the first model, an optimal multi-order policy of raw materials to meet the demands of a production facility considering rework process, which supplies fixed quantity of finished products at fixed intervals of time, is developed to minimise the Total Cost (TC). In the second model, an optimal multi-order policy of raw materials to meet the demands of a multi-stage production facility linked with kanban mechanism considering rework process which supplies fixed quantity of finished products at fixed intervals of time is developed to minimise the TC. It is concluded that the TC with rework policy tends to be higher than that without considering rework.
Keywords: kanban; rework; optimal batch sizing; single-stage production; multi-stage production; production-delivery systems; JIT; just-in-time; defective items; total cost.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2010.033890
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2010 Vol.7 No.1, pp.56 - 80
Published online: 03 Jul 2010 *
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