Title: Comparison of the Polish regulatory dispersion model with AERMOD
Authors: Joanna Cieslinska, Lech Lobocki
Addresses: Institute of Environmental Protection, National Emission Centre, Kolektorska 4, 01-692 Warsaw, Poland. ' Institute of Environmental Engineering Systems, Warsaw University of Technology, Nowowiejska 20, 00-653 Warsaw, Poland
Abstract: Implementation of the 96/62/EC air quality directive in Poland imposes new requirements that cannot be met by the present Polish regulatory climatological dispersion model that is mandatory in emission permit procedures. For use in the air quality management system, newer models have been recommended. This inevitably brings questions regarding consistency between models used for both the purposes. This paper investigates the differences in various statistics of passive substance concentration fields, predicted by two models: the present Polish regulatory climatological Gaussian dispersion model, and the AERMOD, which is currently recommended for calculation of short-range pollution by industrial and powerplant sources, for air quality management purposes.
Keywords: atmospheric pollution; dispersion modelling; regulatory models; air quality management; air pollution; Poland; pollutant dispersion; AERMOD model.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2010 Vol.40 No.1/2/3, pp.62 - 69
Published online: 11 Jan 2010 *
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