Title: Air quality monitoring: establishing criteria for station classification
Authors: Joana Monjardino, Francisco Ferreira, Sandra Mesquita, Ana Teresa Perez, Dilia Jardim
Addresses: Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Sciences and Environmental Engineering, New University of Lisbon, Campus da Caparica, Quinta da Torre 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal. ' Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Sciences and Environmental Engineering, New University of Lisbon, Campus da Caparica, Quinta da Torre 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal. ' Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Department of Sciences and Environmental Engineering, New University of Lisbon, Campus da Caparica, Quinta da Torre 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal. ' Ministry of the Environment, Portuguese Environment Agency, Rua da Murgueira No. 9/10-124 Amadora, Portugal. ' Ministry of the Environment, Portuguese Environment Agency, Rua da Murgueira No. 9/10-124 Amadora, Portugal
Abstract: According to the Council Decision 97/101/EC on Exchange of Information, stations should be classified in relation to the type of area where they are located and according to the type of dominant emission sources influencing the air pollutant concentrations at the station. A detailed methodology was developed for the validation of the classification of Portuguese air quality monitoring stations, through objective criteria to assure a harmonised interpretation of the definitions, from region to region. In relation to the criteria for area types, best results were found for the population density within a 1 km radius in the surroundings of each station. In relation to dominant emission sources, recommended criteria are pointed out based upon several pollutants concentrations.
Keywords: air quality; quality monitoring; station classification; emission sources; air pollution; environmental pollution; Portugal; monitoring stations.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2009 Vol.39 No.3/4, pp.321 - 332
Published online: 23 Sep 2009 *
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