Title: The main principles of atmospheric diffusion modelling for regulatory purposes in Russia
Authors: M.E. Berlyand
Addresses: Main Geophysical Observatory, 7 Karbyshev Street, 194018 St. Petersburg, Russia.
Abstract: This paper discusses the main principles of atmospheric diffusion modelling for regulatory purposes in Russia. They include the choice of air quality criteria, the development of universal models to calculate on a single base the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants from different types of source under unfavourable meteorological and topographical conditions, as well as experimental verification of the main theoretical results, and the development of practical recommendations for using the methods. Some results of the application of these principles to air pollution modelling in Russia are presented.
Keywords: modelling; air pollution; environmental pollution; Russia; atmospheric diffusion; regulatory models; atmospheric dispersion models; environmental impact assessment.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1995 Vol.5 No.4/5/6, pp.508 - 517
Published online: 17 Sep 2009 *
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