Title: Atmospheric dispersion models for regulatory purposes in the Federal Republic of Germany. Part II: the current situation
Authors: M. Schatzmann
Addresses: Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, Bundesstrasse 55, D-20146, Hamburg, Germany
Abstract: This paper starts with some remarks on the present air pollution situation in Germany. The air quality standards will be presented and compared with data from the continuous monitoring network stations. Subsequently a short description of the tools in use for regulatory applications is given. The quality of these tools and their status of validation are critically discussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn and requirements for next-generation models identified.
Keywords: air pollution control; atmospheric dispersion models; Gaussian model; Germany; regulatory modelling; threshold values; environmental impact assessment; environmental pollution.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1995 Vol.5 No.4/5/6, pp.431 - 440
Published online: 17 Sep 2009 *
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