Title: ADMS-Urban: an air quality management system for traffic, domestic and industrial pollution
Authors: C.A. McHugh, D.J. Carruthers, H.A. Edmunds
Addresses: Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd., 3 King's Parade, Cambridge, CB2 1SJ, UK. ' Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd., 3 King's Parade, Cambridge, CB2 1SJ, UK. ' Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants Ltd., 3 King's Parade, Cambridge, CB2 1SJ, UK
Abstract: The new version of the Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System for urban environments, ADMS-Urban, is based on the same up-to-date physics as the ADMS model, outlined briefly here in Section 2. The basic model has been the subject of extensive validation studies: as part of this series of European Harmonisation Workshops; sponsored by HMIP (Her Majesty|s Inspectorate of Pollution, now part of the UK Environment Agency); and independently. ADMS-Urban combines the basic model, which includes a line and area source model, with a fully integrated street canyon model, a chemistry model for predicting nitrogen, sulphur and ozone, and a traffic emissions database. The basic model, ADMS, was developed by CERC and the UK Meteorological Office. Sponsors of the continuing model development include UK government agencies.
Keywords: ADMS-Urban; air quality; industrial pollution; traffic pollution; air pollution; environmental pollution; modelling; vehicle emissions; atmospheric dispersion models; UK; United Kingdom.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1997 Vol.8 No.3/4/5/6, pp.666 - 674
Published online: 15 Sep 2009 *
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