Title: Mesoscale modelling of atmospheric processes over the western Mediterranean area during summer
Authors: R. Salvador, M. Millan, E. Mantilla, J.M. Baldasano
Addresses: CEAM, Parque Techologico, Calle 4, Sector Oeste, 46908 Paterna, Valencia, Spain. ' CEAM, Parque Techologico, Calle 4, Sector Oeste, 46908 Paterna, Valencia, Spain. ' CEAM, Parque Techologico, Calle 4, Sector Oeste, 46908 Paterna, Valencia, Spain. ' ITEMA, Ctra, Nal. 150, Km. 14.5, Apto. Correos 508, 08220 Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract: The EC|s MECAPIP project served to identify some aspects of the summer atmospheric circulations and associated air pollution dynamics over the Iberian peninsula. The Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS) was applied to reproduce the mesoscale meteorological processes around the Iberian peninsula and its link with the synoptic circulation. In this paper, modelled results initialised with the ECMWF global analysis dataset of 25-27 July 1989 are presented. Simulated results showed that the model can reproduce well the main features observed during the experimental campaigns.
Keywords: coastal circulation; complex terrain; Mediterranean; mesoscale modelling; sea breezes; thermal lows; atmospheric dispersion models; air pollution; environmental pollution; regional atmospheric modelling.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1997 Vol.8 No.3/4/5/6, pp.513 - 529
Published online: 15 Sep 2009 *
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