Title: Pilot study: extension of the Model Validation Kit
Authors: H.R. Olesen
Addresses: National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), P.O. Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Abstract: The so-called Model Validation Kit has been used as a basis for modelling exercises at workshops in Manno (1993), Mol (1994) and at the present workshop. It is a practical tool, meant to serve as a common frame of reference for modellers. It consists of three experimental datasets, accompanied by software for model evaluation. Before the present workshop, a pilot study was conducted, aimed at extending the original toolkit with datasets from two additional experimental campaigns. These |new| datasets contain data from experimental campaigns at Indianapolis (urban) and Bull Run (moderately complex terrain). Both campaigns deal with emissions from a single stack, and include detailed tracer measurements from several hundred hours. The present paper gives an introduction to the two |new| datasets. A large part of the paper, however, is used to convey general experiences on the preparation and use of performance-evaluation datasets. The context of this work is discussed; particular emphasis is on its relation to a planned catalogue of models, which will become available through the World Wide Web.
Keywords: atmospheric dispersion models; Bull Run experiment; model validation; model performance; model evaluation; Indianapolis experiment; model catalogue; air pollution; modelling; environmental pollution.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1997 Vol.8 No.3/4/5/6, pp.378 - 387
Published online: 15 Sep 2009 *
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