Title: Complex terrain dispersion modelling exercise
Authors: P. Deligiannis, J.G. Bartzis, E. Davakis
Addresses: Institute of Nuclear Technology – Radiation Protection, NCSR DEMOKRITOS, Attiki, Greece. ' Institute of Nuclear Technology – Radiation Protection, NCSR DEMOKRITOS, Attiki, Greece. ' Institute of Nuclear Technology – Radiation Protection, NCSR DEMOKRITOS, Attiki, Greece
Abstract: In the framework of the Fourth Workshop, a model inter-comparison exercise is proposed with respect to environmental impact assessment. The purpose of the exercise is to study the compatibility of the performance of similar dispersion models over complex topographies. Contributors were asked to use the same meteorological input over complex terrain topography and to perform dispersion calculations in the surroundings of a small power plant located at the foot of a 1426 m high mountain. A statistical analysis based on the bootstrap method is employed to yield the bounds of a compatible result.
Keywords: complex terrain; atmospheric dispersion models; harmonisation; environmental impact assessment; air pollution; modelling; environmental pollution; emissions.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1997 Vol.8 No.3/4/5/6, pp.367 - 377
Published online: 15 Sep 2009 *
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