Title: Intercomparison of Lagrangian dispersion models and validation with Lillestrom data
Authors: R. Ries, O. Heil, M. Wichmann-Fiebig
Addresses: Lahmeyer International, Lyoner Straße 22, D-65328 Frankfurt, Germany. ' Lahmeyer International, Lyoner Straße 22, D-65328 Frankfurt, Germany. ' Northrhine-Westphalia State Environment Agency, Wallneyer Strasse 6, D-45133 Essen, Germany
Abstract: Three different Lagrangian models (KLIMM-L, LASAT and STOER.LAG) are applied to the Lillestrom datasets. A pre-processing of the required vertical wind-profiles unifies the flow fields for the three models. In the framework of harmonisation the models show partial agreement with the datasets. The discrepancies are the same for all models. One reason for deviation of the datasets might be locally induced heat turbulence by domestic heating, which was not accounted for in the modelling approach.
Keywords: model comparisons; Lagrangian models; atmospheric dispersion models; model validation; heat turbulence; Lillestrom dataset; air pollution; environmental pollution; modelling; domestic heating; pre-processing; vertical wind profiles; flow fields; harmonisation.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1997 Vol.8 No.3/4/5/6, pp.305 - 314
Published online: 15 Sep 2009 *
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