Title: Modelling and analysis of a web-based collaborative information system – Petri net-based collaborative enterprise
Authors: Seung-Yun Kim
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Engineering, Shepherd University, 301 N. King Street, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 5000, USA
Abstract: Lately, web-based collaborative enterprises (CEs) concepts have been applied in numerous information systems and have become a key focus for many organisations. The well structured, modelled and analysed architectural framework of the system is a very important part of the process when developing applications, since these applications are subject to frequent change and increased complexity. This paper discusses four essential phases of designing a human-centric CE: framework, a case study, modelling and analysis. Firstly, the paper proposes an application oriented human-centric collaborative commerce architecture. Secondly, an appropriate case study is developed. Thirdly, the modelling and simulation of the selected application are shown. Finally, some analysis of the application using Stochastic Petri nets is discussed. We contend that following these phases will help to develop and analyse the human-centric collaborative commerce systems. Finally, this approach can be used in a variety of CE systems which form the basis of our future work and further development.
Keywords: collaborative information systems; web-based enterprises; stochastic Petri nets; collaborative enterprise; modelling; simulation; collaborative commerce; collaboration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIDS.2009.027654
International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, 2009 Vol.1 No.3, pp.238 - 264
Published online: 06 Aug 2009 *
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