Title: Towards a model of the learning needs of the effective entrepreneur

Authors: Zineb Aouni, Bernard Surlemont

Addresses: Ancien Moulin de Colonster, Chemin du Chateau, 1 Bat. B80, 4000 Liege, Belgium. ' Ancien Moulin de Colonster, Chemin du Chateau, 1 Bat. B80, 4000 Liege, Belgium

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to provide a unifying framework identifying the main learning needs of potential entrepreneurs. Based on the competency based theory, these learning needs are defined as the competencies to be effective at each step of the entrepreneurial process. In order to achieve this, the paper pays great attention to defining the central concepts of |entrepreneur|, |entrepreneurship| and |the entrepreneurial process|. The purpose is to arrive at a clear specification of the entrepreneur|s role in the entrepreneurial process. This provides the basis for identifying the key |entrepreneurial competencies| needed to be effective in the entrepreneurial process. This analysis relies on cognition research and entrepreneurship learning literature in order to understand how those entrepreneurial competencies are acquired through time and ultimately to highlight the individual variables influencing their acquisition. The paper closes with a preliminary model of the learning needs of effective entrepreneurs. The paper|s main practical contribution is to underline the key dimensions that entrepreneurship programmes should incorporate.

Keywords: learning needs; entrepreneurial cognition; entrepreneurial learning; entrepreneurship education; competency based learning; learning style; entrepreneurial preparedness; entrepreneurial process.

DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2009.025090

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2009 Vol.8 No.3, pp.431 - 446

Published online: 12 May 2009 *

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