Title: Periodicity estimation of Dynamic Textures
Authors: Khalid Zaman Bijon, Ahmed Hasan, Ashfaqur Rahman, Manzur Murshed
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, AIUB, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ' Department of Computer Science, AIUB, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ' Department of Computer Science, AIUB, Dhaka, Bangladesh. ' Gippsland School of Information Technology, Monash University, Churchill, Vic, Australia
Abstract: Dynamic Textures (DTs) are image sequences of natural events like fire, smoke, water etc., that possesses regular motion patterns. Periodicity is a widely used tool to analyse regular structures of periodic one dimensional signals as well as two dimensional image textures. In this paper we present a technique to compute periodicity of regular motion patterns of DT. The proposed technique is based on co-occurrence matrix calculation – another commonly used tool in image texture analysis. Experimental results demonstrate the ability of the proposed technique to categorise the DT in terms of their periodicity and achieving good classification results using computed periods.
Keywords: dynamic textures; temporal textures; periodicity estimation; image sequences; natural events; motion patterns; co-occurrence matrix; image texture analysis.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICT.2008.024012
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 2008 Vol.1 No.3/4, pp.414 - 423
Published online: 23 Mar 2009 *
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