Title: A Porter-SCOR modelling approach for the hospital supply chain
Authors: Christine Di Martinelly, Fouad Riane, Alain Guinet
Addresses: Universidad Andres Bello, Facultad de ingeneria, Sazie 2315, Santiago de Chile, Chile. ' Centre de Recherche en Gestion Industrielle, FUCaM, 151, Chaussee de Binche, 7000 Mons, Belgique. ' Laboratoire PRISMa, INSA de Lyon, 19 Avenue Jean Capelle, 69621 Villeurbanne cedex, Lyon, France
Abstract: We suggest in this paper a modelling approach that extends the Analysis Specification Conception and Implementation (ASCI) methodology by putting the accent on the performance dimension. We suggest a value model as an extension of ASCI methodology based on Porter|s and SCOR models. We underline the necessity of defining an appropriate system of performance metrics that should be defined in accordance with the hospital value system. This extended methodology provides the user with a better understanding of the way the system works and enables to document practices and processes.
Keywords: pharmaceuticals supply chain; modelling; Porter model; SCOR model; hospital supply chain; supply chain management; SCM; performance measurement; healthcare management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2009.022506
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2009 Vol.5 No.3/4, pp.436 - 456
Published online: 10 Jan 2009 *
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