Title: Business service sourcing: a literature review and agenda for future research

Authors: Fredrik Nordin, Henrik Agndal

Addresses: Department of Management and Engineering, Industrial Marketing Division, Linkoping University, Linkoping SE-58183, Sweden. ' Department of Marketing and Strategy, Stockholm School of Economics, P.O. Box 6501, Stockholm SE-113 83, Sweden

Abstract: Business service sourcing is increasing in importance for firms; a trend recognised by significant research efforts among scholars. The rapidly expanding literature is, however, highly fragmented. It is difficult to grasp what has actually been investigated, and what remains to be studied. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to review, analyse and categorise empirical research in the area of business service sourcing. A total of 119 empirically-based articles published in peer-reviewed journals were identified and classified according to their focus of research, empirical context and research methodology. Most articles dealt with the sourcing process or sourcing strategy, less with antecedents to sourcing and sourcing outcomes. Logistics and information systems/information technology (IT) services have received the most attention, as have European and North American service buyers. A majority of articles employed statistical methods of analysis.

Keywords: business services; service sourcing; outsourcing; literature review; empirical research; purchasing; procurement; logistics; information systems; information technology.

DOI: 10.1504/IJISM.2008.020760

International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 2008 Vol.4 No.3/4, pp.378 - 405

Published online: 14 Oct 2008 *

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