Title: Application of neural network on environmental impact assessment tools
Authors: Jianzhi Li, Zhenhua Wu, Hong-Chao Zhang
Addresses: Manufacturing Engineering Department, University of Texas-Pan American, TX, 78539, USA. ' Manufacturing Engineering Department, University of Texas-Pan American, TX, 78539, USA. ' Industrial Engineering Department, Texas Tech University, TX, 79409, USA
Abstract: Intended to provide an applicable evaluation methodology for product environmental impacts, this paper presents a survey of the current Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) methodologies. As a proposed remedy for existing tools, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach is developed to estimate the missing data. To provide updated Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) information for major components used in the electronic industry, a detailed analysis of two recent delivered computer systems are provided in the paper using the ANN approach. This paper also discusses incorporation of recycling scenarios in the LCA for electronic products.
Keywords: life cycle analysis; LCA; environmental impact assessment; artificial neural networks; ANN; product analysis; sustainable manufacturing; electronic components; computer systems; recycling.
International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, 2008 Vol.1 No.1/2, pp.100 - 121
Published online: 02 Jul 2008 *
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