Title: Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) for energy attenuation factors and coupling loss factors in asymmetric periodic plates

Authors: S.Z. Peng, T.C.P. Khoo

Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ' Austal Ships, Henderson, WA 6166, Australia

Abstract: This paper presents a Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) to investigate the energy attenuation factors in asymmetric periodic structures. The experimental results are compared with the predicted results obtained by the SEA method. It is found that the attenuations of the base plate and rib plates were hyperbolic in shape. Analytical formulae for the energy at the respective sub-system are also derived in terms of the internal and coupling loss factors so as to determine these attenuation factors analytically. By identifying the contributing internal and coupling loss factors from the attenuation factors, appropriate treatments can now be implemented into the appropriate sub-system.

Keywords: SEA; energy attenuation factors; coupling loss factors; asymmetric periodic plates; statistical energy analysis; vehicle noise; vehicle vibration; flexural vibration energy; ships.

DOI: 10.1504/IJVNV.2007.015176

International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 2007 Vol.3 No.3, pp.263 - 285

Published online: 20 Sep 2007 *

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