Title: Aspect-oriented techniques for web services: a model-driven approach
Authors: Guadalupe Ortiz, Juan Hernandez
Addresses: Quercus Software Engineering Group, University of Extremadura, C/ Sta. Teresa de Journet 38, Merida 06800, Spain. ' Quercus Software Engineering Group, University of Extremadura, Avda. de la Universidad s/n, Caceres 10071, Spain
Abstract: In order to tackle the entire web service life cycle, it is necessary to face how to model systems based on service functionality and also how to add extra-functional properties to modelled services. In this regard, we propose the use of UML for modelling services based on a component representation, in order to provide a model environment in which extra-functional properties are added, also using UML. The implemented models will be independent of a final implementation language or platform, thus making it necessary to specify a particular type of model into which to convert the independent one in a subsequent step. In order to meet this requirement a Jax-rpc-based meta-model is proposed for services and a soap tag, aspect- and policy-based ones for properties. The use of aspect-oriented techniques also at code level provides great system modularity and perfect traceability along the model-driven process.
Keywords: extra-functional properties; web services; model-driven development; aspect-oriented techniques; web service policy; service component architecture; SCA; service functionality; modelling; metamodels; system modularity; traceability.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBPIM.2007.015138
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 2007 Vol.2 No.2, pp.141 - 152
Published online: 18 Sep 2007 *
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