Title: New face of globalisation, Foreign Direct Investment and technology capacity building in China
Authors: Jacylyn Y.J. Shi
Addresses: UNCTAD, Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix 8-14, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Abstract: The paper reveals that contrary to its significant contribution to China|s economic development, FDI has in the past played a limited role in transferring technology and contributing to local technology capacity building. It analyses the problems and challenges for China to benefit from FDI for its technology capacity building and the possible policy strategies that China could apply. It points out new opportunities to change this situation given the soaring interest from Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) in relocating R&D centres to China and the country|s new strategy as IT outsourcing destination under the changing international trade patterns. In conclusion, it provides three alternative S&T strategies related to the use of FDI and the policy implications of the proposed strategy.
Keywords: science and technology strategy; FDI; China; globalisation; outsourcing; R&D; research and development; transnational corporations; TNCs; trade in services; state-owned enterprises; SOEs; foreign direct investment; technology capacity building.
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 2007 Vol.3 No.2/3, pp.278 - 295
Published online: 02 Jul 2007 *
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