Title: Disaster mitigation and communications research in Canada: towards a responsive innovation agenda

Authors: Gordon A. Gow

Addresses: Graduate Programme in Communications and Technology, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta, 8303–112 Street, Suite 4–30, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2T4, Canada

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce a new conceptual framework for communications policy research pertaining to disaster mitigation in Canada. It claims that mitigation-oriented policy research must expand its agenda to focus on the deep social roots of risk and vulnerability in Canadian society and that such a re-orientation in theory can provide the foundation for the reform of public policy and practical action suited to the National Disaster Mitigation Strategy (NDMS). Key findings from a recent study of Canada|s communications infrastructure are cited to introduce three research themes – learning, innovation, and enabling – that can serve as the foundation for a |responsive innovation agenda|. The paper introduces this agenda, specifies its core normative principle, and then provides a number of real-world cases that can inform ongoing research efforts towards its realisation.

Keywords: disaster mitigation; public policy; critical infrastructure; telecommunications; innovation; E2E principle; Canada; emergency management; communications policy; risk; vulnerability.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEM.2007.013986

International Journal of Emergency Management, 2007 Vol.4 No.2, pp.122 - 140

Published online: 07 Jun 2007 *

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