Title: Consequences of online class during COVID-19 with female schoolteachers' work-life balance
Authors: T. Jansi Rani; V. Krishna Priya
Addresses: School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai, India ' School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai, India
Abstract: Work-life balance (WLB) is the balance of both sides of one's life (personal and professional). A person has to take responsibility for both their personal and professional lives. In the meantime, wide spread of COVID-19 has resulted to the major changes all around the world. The current conceptual paper emphasises the WLB of female schoolteachers during the pandemic period. In her professional life, she has to prepare for online classes and assignments on par with technology. The paper comprises of family involvement and job role and responsibilities as an independent variable and work life balance as a dependent variable. This paper concludes that WLB during COVID-19 is complicated in nature, especially for female schoolteacher to conduct up to date classes.
Keywords: work-life balance; female schoolteachers; family involvement; job role and responsibilities; online classes.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2024 Vol.17 No.3, pp.292 - 300
Received: 22 Aug 2021
Accepted: 05 Nov 2022
Published online: 01 May 2024 *