Title: High-performance work systems and HR efficiency: the mediating role of HRIS potentialities

Authors: Javad Shahreki

Addresses: Faculty of Business, Multimedia University, Malaysia

Abstract: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the service and manufacturing sector confront unique challenges in their strategic HRM skills. In this respect, a growing concern for both scholars and practitioners is the deployment of strategic IT capabilities that can enable the corporation's high-performance work system (HPWS) capabilities, which influence the efficiency of its HR function. The focus of this study is to explore the strategic alignment of HR and IT from the perspective of capability-based mediation. Structural equation modelling was conducted to analyse the data obtained by surveying 211 services and manufacturing sector SMEs. The results reveal that the HR efficiency was influenced by the HRIS potentialities of SMEs through their strategy implementation with their enterprise HPWS potentialities. The findings indicate that it is more likely for the service and manufacturing sector SMEs that simultaneously develop their HRIS and HPWS capabilities to gain a competitive advantage through HR function improvement.

Keywords: HR efficiency; HRIS potentialities; HPWS potentialities; human resource information systems.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMDM.2024.138313

International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2024 Vol.23 No.3, pp.290 - 310

Received: 06 Jun 2022
Accepted: 14 Jun 2022

Published online: 01 May 2024 *

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