Title: The influence of supply chain strategies on manufacturing competitiveness
Authors: Benitha M. Myamba; Deusdedit A. Rwehumbiza
Addresses: Department of General Management, University of Dar es Salaam Business School, P.O. Box 35046, Tanzania ' Department of General Management, University of Dar es Salaam Business School, P.O. Box 35046, Tanzania
Abstract: The current shift of competition from between firms to supply chains makes supply chain strategies a valuable way of improving manufacturing competitiveness across the globe. However, the relationship between the supply chain strategies and manufacturing competitiveness has been treated piecemeal. This study examines the relationship between the supply chain strategies and manufacturing competitiveness through the resource-based view (hereinafter RBV). The study adopts a positivist philosophy and survey strategy. With the assistance of partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) the hypothesised relationships between the supply chain strategies and manufacturing competitiveness are tested with data from 300 manufacturers. The findings indicate that the supply chain strategies are positively related to manufacturing competitiveness. These findings provide support to the RBV, that internal resources are crucial for devising efficient and effective supply chain strategies. This study advances the existing knowledge of supply chain management and firm performance by linking supply chain strategies to manufacturing competitiveness. Furthermore, the results may help manufacturers to allocate resources to key supply chain strategic areas for superior competitiveness.
Keywords: supply chain; supply chain strategies; efficiency; responsiveness; risk hedging; agility; manufacturing; manufacturing competitiveness; resource-based view; RBV; modelling; partial least squares structural equation modelling; PLS-SEM; smartPLS.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.134403
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2023 Vol.46 No.2, pp.143 - 173
Received: 27 Apr 2020
Accepted: 14 Feb 2021
Published online: 20 Oct 2023 *