Title: Development of open nutritional recipe software for obese children based on intelligent computing

Authors: Li-Fang Zhang; Liang Zhou

Addresses: School of Physical Education Science, Changsha Normal University, Changsha, 410100, China ' School of Physical Education Science, Changsha Normal University, Changsha, 410100, China; International College, Krirk University, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand

Abstract: In order to assist children and their parents to formulate nutrition prescriptions and improve the scientific level of children's diet, this study developed a self-selected nutrition prescription expert decision-making system based on the principle of energy balance. The system has a built-in database of common daily foods, their nutrients and corresponding energy values, and calculates the daily total energy expenditure and distributes the three meals reasonably based on the basic personal information of children. Users can choose different foods from the food database to form their own nutrition recipes according to the total energy of each meal allocated by the system. After evaluation by the system, the self-selected personalised nutrition recipes can be further revised and form formal personalised nutrition prescriptions. Through the black box test, the system can effectively realise each function and provide a good user experience.

Keywords: expert decision-making system; children; energy balance; nutritional recipe; self-selected.

DOI: 10.1504/IJADS.2023.133196

International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 2023 Vol.16 No.5, pp.646 - 661

Received: 31 Oct 2022
Accepted: 01 Dec 2022

Published online: 01 Sep 2023 *

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