Title: Enterprise production activity modelling with performance and risk criteria of working capital structure

Authors: Mark Andreevich Gorskiy

Addresses: Mathematical Methods in Economics, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Abstract: The objective of the study is to develop and adapt mathematical models and methods for optimising its production and financial sectors' parameters for a production company in the construction industry, with the efficiency and risk criteria and restrictions on production, technological, financial and resource potential. The article presents the rationale for the proposed approach, the formulation and mathematical models of choosing the optimal options for the production programs of the enterprise and their financing; numerical algorithms for solving the problems in continuous and integer versions, including new methods for solving nonlinear discrete NP-complete problems; implementation scenarios, implementation options and conclusions based on empirical calculations using the developed models and methods.

Keywords: production enterprise; working capital; cost efficiency; capital structure risk; capital leverage; optimal capital structure; linear programming; nonlinear programming; convex programming.

DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2023.132992

International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2023 Vol.45 No.3, pp.351 - 368

Received: 24 Dec 2020
Accepted: 27 Apr 2021

Published online: 23 Aug 2023 *

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