Title: Entrepreneurial leadership and its impact on agile project management
Authors: Rajalakshmi Subramaniam; Sanjay Mohapatra; Margaret Susairaj
Addresses: School of Management, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS), Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Padur, Kelambakkam, Chennai, 603103, Tamil Nadu, India ' Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, Xavier Square, Jayadev Vihar, Odisha 751013, India ' Great Lakes Institute of Management, Dr. Bala V. Balachandar Campus, East Coast Road, Manamai Village Thirukazhukundram, Taluk, Manamai, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu 603102, India
Abstract: The study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and agile project management and the role that innovative atmosphere plays in moderating the relationship with respect to the small and medium enterprises in India, belonging to the information technology sector. A quantitative approach has been adapted in this research. Random sampling has been employed to collect the primary quantitative data. Closed-ended survey questions were distributed to the SMEs belonging to the information technology sector and data was collected from 322 employees. The data collected was subject to numerical analysis through structural equation modelling approach using AMOS software. The results reveal that innovative atmosphere positively moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership factors and agile management.
Keywords: innovative atmosphere; agile management; entrepreneurial leadership; SMEs; agile project management; APM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJENM.2023.132965
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, 2023 Vol.14 No.3, pp.246 - 267
Received: 05 Oct 2021
Accepted: 22 Nov 2021
Published online: 22 Aug 2023 *