Title: Examining the effect of policy shocks on environmental pollution
Authors: Işıl Demirtaş; Seda Yıldırım; Durmuş Çağrı Yıldırım; Tuğba Turan
Addresses: Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Giresun University, Giresun, Turkey ' Department of Business Administration, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey ' Department of Economics, Tekirdag Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey ' Department of Economics, Tekirdag Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey
Abstract: The concept of ecological footprint is a method developed to calculate the balance of ecosystems deteriorated as a result of human activities and to determine the amount that needs to be restored to the ecosystem. This study utilised the technique of rolling window unit root test to obtain time-varying estimates of the convergence of ecological foot prints within the EU and candidate countries. Accordingly, the study analysed the convergence of ecological foot print indicators (cropland, grazing land, fishing, forest and total footprint) among 14 European (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden) and two candidate countries (Turkey and Albania) for the period of 1961 and 2016. According to test results, series converge in general. However, there are divergences in some sub-periods. In other words, policy effectiveness can change over time. In the sub-periods where the series converge, more effective policies are required.
Keywords: policy shocks; ecological footprint; rolling-window CIPS test; convergence; environmental pollution.
Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal, 2023 Vol.16 No.1/2/3, pp.59 - 78
Received: 16 Sep 2021
Accepted: 17 Jun 2022
Published online: 07 Aug 2023 *