Title: Precision advertising and optimisation strategy based on big data algorithms
Authors: Hailan Pan; Shi Yin
Addresses: Research Center of Resource Recycling Science and Engineering, Shanghai Polytechnic University, Pudong 201209, Shanghai, China; School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Polytechnic University, Pudong 201209, Shanghai, China ' Research Center of Resource Recycling Science and Engineering, Shanghai Polytechnic University, Pudong 201209, Shanghai, China; School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Polytechnic University, Pudong 201209, Shanghai, China
Abstract: This article aims to study the precise placement and optimisation strategies of advertisements based on big data algorithms. This article first proposes four different methods to estimate and approximate the quantitative analysis of the placement of high-precision data advertisements. Secondly, the advertising platform discussed in this article is an independent B/S system, the entire platform includes a back-end system that maintains advertising materials and advertising, a user behaviour collection system, user behaviour analysis, and recommendations for advertising based on interest. Results of the experiment showed that the application of the algorithms to enable large data transmission process of advertising content could reasonably resolve diiklanake, ad interaction that is not good, data manipulation and data burning, and problems of data manipulation and data leakage. Additionally, the accuracy of advertising has increased by 25.2%.
Keywords: big data algorithm; accurate advertising; optimisation strategy; collaborative filtering algorithm.
DOI: 10.1504/IJITM.2023.131806
International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 2023 Vol.22 No.3/4, pp.203 - 212
Received: 26 Jul 2021
Accepted: 01 Nov 2021
Published online: 04 Jul 2023 *