Title: Biometric watermarking: an application-based review

Authors: Jincy J. Fernandez; P. Nithyanandam

Addresses: School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Chennai, India ' School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Chennai, India

Abstract: The advancement of technology will require us to improve the security of data being transmitted. Nowadays, biometric authentication systems are used in many sectors, including banking, industrial, and security. There are several security risks associated with biometric systems in the system database where the biometric templates are stored and in the network between the system database and the biometric sensor. Biometric watermarking helps to protect the images by embedding biometric information on the images so that copyright protection can be ensured. It has been widely used in various applications such as online image theft identification, e-healthcare applications, and e-voting applications. This review paper gives an overview of biometric watermarking, its architecture, an application-based review, criteria used for performance analysis of such systems. The objective is to provide enough background information for researchers to quickly gain a high-level understanding and help the readers to apply biometric watermarking in their applications.

Keywords: unimodal biometric; multimodal biometrics; digital image watermarking; copyright protection.

DOI: 10.1504/IJIPSI.2023.131546

International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity, 2023 Vol.5 No.3, pp.211 - 226

Received: 23 Nov 2021
Accepted: 28 Feb 2022

Published online: 19 Jun 2023 *

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