Title: An experiential study on the role and inclusion of Indian languages for generating employment opportunity
Authors: Anju Khandelwal; Ankita Tandon; Avanish Kumar
Addresses: Department of Mathematics, SRMS College of Engineering and Technology, Bareilly, India; Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, India ' Department of Management, Inverties University, Bareilly, India ' Department of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Applications, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, India
Abstract: India is a multilingual country where the spoken language diverges approximately every 100 kilometres. About 2,000 dialects are spoken in India by different communities and there are 22 official languages. English and Hindi are used for official language by most of the states of India. All official documents and reports of the central government are published in bilingual, English and Hindi. Among the international community as well as business language, English is becoming more important in both native and non-native English-speaking countries. Speaking has been considered the most important skill at workplace therefore this paper aims to find out the importance of Hindi/other Indian language in the workplace by conducting a survey among career opportunities and deep learning in India. The result shows that the necessity of Hindi language skill in workplace has not changed, and the participants have reiterated the role of Hindi as the influencing factor during interviews/workplace.
Keywords: language barrier; employment opportunity; language skills; NEP 2020.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2023 Vol.16 No.2, pp.171 - 185
Received: 31 Jan 2022
Accepted: 23 May 2022
Published online: 03 Apr 2023 *