Title: A survey on electronic natural language applications: current challenges and limitations
Authors: Muhammad Ameen Chhajro; Asharib Ahmed; Muhammad Ahmed Raza; Abdullah Ayub Khan; Asif Ali Wagan; Asif Ali Laghari
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi 74000, Pakistan ' Department of Computer Science, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi 74000, Pakistan ' Department of Computer Science, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi 74000, Pakistan ' Department of Computer Science, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi 74000, Pakistan; Faculty of Computing Science and Information Technology, Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University Lyari, Karachi 75660, Pakistan ' Department of Computer Science, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi 74000, Pakistan ' Department of Computer Science, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi 74000, Pakistan
Abstract: This paper covers the historical backdrop of natural language processing, including both voice and text. It contains an outline of wide approaches to separating the member's significance through human-language sources of info and executing significant exercises in view of that examination that have been and are presently being utilised. The subject incorporates models from a wide scope of uses, like portable individual colleagues, interactive voice response (IVR) applications, and question addressing. However, in this paper, we also highlight implementation challenges and limitations involved in the deployment on the current NLP-based applications.
Keywords: natural language processing; NLP; artificial intelligence; AI; interactive voice response; IVR.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESDF.2023.129281
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, 2023 Vol.15 No.2, pp.211 - 223
Received: 21 Mar 2022
Accepted: 08 Apr 2022
Published online: 02 Mar 2023 *