Title: An English listening and speaking ability training system based on binary decision tree

Authors: Yu Wang

Addresses: Department of Applied English and International Education, Henan Polytechnic Institute, Nanyang, Henan Province, 473000, China

Abstract: In order to solve the problems of low speech resolution accuracy and poor auxiliary training effect of traditional auxiliary training system, a design method of English listening and speaking ability auxiliary training system based on binary decision tree is proposed. The hardware design includes English listening and speaking data extraction module, storage module and training module. In terms of software, the binary decision tree algorithm is used to construct the binary decision tree training model of English listening and speaking training. Through the algorithm, the data information of English learners in the process of listening and speaking ability training is extracted and the training data is evaluated. The experimental results show that: this system has high accuracy in the discrimination and evaluation of English speech data, and low occupancy rate of system storage space, which is conducive to improving students' English listening and speaking ability and English learning achievement.

Keywords: binary decision tree; data extraction module; storage module; ability training module; effect evaluation.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2023.129221

International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2023 Vol.33 No.2/3, pp.313 - 325

Received: 23 Apr 2021
Accepted: 16 Jul 2021

Published online: 01 Mar 2023 *

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