Title: Orchestrating a ship-from-store omnichannel operation using 4PL digital platform

Authors: Nicollas Luiz Schweitzer de Souza; Marcos Tadeu Arante; Lynceo Falavigna Braghirolli; Marina Meireles Pereira Mafia; Enzo Morosini Frazzon

Addresses: Graduate Program in Production Engineering, Production and Logistic Intelligent Systems, Department of Production Engineering and Systems, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil ' Equilibrium Tecnologia S/A, Santa Catarina, Brazil ' Department of Production Engineering and Systems, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil ' Department of Technology and Innovation, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Denmark ' Department of Production Engineering and Systems, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Abstract: Digitalisation has changed production and retailing with paramount and irreversible consequences. The commercialisation in physical stores is fastly migrating to online channels, so that transitional omnichannel operations need to be structured to ensure retailers competitiveness and survival. Omnichannel stock allocation policies, such as the ship-from-store (SFS), need to be evaluated considering potential impacts on customer service level. Furthermore, a very important factor is the last mile, where the location value is finally materialised to the customer. This article aims to propose a SFS omnichannel operations model that is orchestrated by a 4PL digital platform, integrating retailing processes with transportation by third parties. Thereof, we reviewed related concepts and structured them in a way that allows for the optimisation of service level and operational costs to the final customer.

Keywords: omnichannel; 4PL; digital logistics; ship-from-store; SFS; last mile.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2023.127704

International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, 2023 Vol.8 No.1, pp.52 - 72

Received: 30 Jun 2022
Accepted: 01 Jul 2022

Published online: 14 Dec 2022 *

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