Title: Decentralised or centralised management of data and products: influence on revenue-generating processes

Authors: Sujit Wings; Janne Harkonen

Addresses: University of Oulu, P.O. Box 4610, FI-90014, Finland ' University of Oulu, P.O. Box 4610, FI-90014, Finland

Abstract: Products, services, product data, information systems, and business processes are very closely related issues. The products must be in control, and the product data and product portfolio suit the business to ensure process performance. Customers' demanding complex solutions necessitate considerations over decentralised or centralised management of data and products. Decisions on product and data management affect vital processes. Thematic analysis is applied to company product data management (PDM) and product portfolio management (PPM) practices to reflect the centralisation vs. decentralisation perspective and identify preconditions for centralisation. It appears that the volume of standard products, pressures to comply with regulations and standards, and product and process maturity influence whether a company benefits more from centralisation or decentralisation. Value is provided by revealing challenges of decentralised PDM and PPM, and by clarifying preconditions for centralisation. The findings indicate the order of priority for centralisation in terms of aligning processes and harmonising data.

Keywords: decentralised data management; centralised data management; decentralised product management; centralised product management; product data management; PDM; revenue-generating processes; product portfolio management; PPM; pre-conditions for centralisation; business process; decision-making.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMDM.2023.127687

International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2023 Vol.22 No.1, pp.74 - 105

Received: 24 Nov 2021
Accepted: 28 Jan 2022

Published online: 14 Dec 2022 *

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