Title: The impact of organisational toxicity on cognitive performance: the mediating role of emotional disorder

Authors: Mohammed Hussein Manhal; Karrar Ghazi Zaidan; Wael Hatem Nasser; Zaina Mustafa Mahmoud Hamad

Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Almaaqal University, Almaaqal 61001, Basrah, Iraq ' Department of Material Management, Southern Technical University, Az Zubayr 61003, Basrah, Iraq ' Department of Material Management, Southern Technical University, Az Zubayr 61003, Basrah, Iraq ' Kurtkoy Usta Expertise Firm, Pendik 34912, Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract: This paper addresses the deviant behaviours that are irrelevant to the disciplined military command and consequences of these behaviours that led to crisis of confidence between command and fighters during the terrorist attack in Mosul, Iraq which vacated the military organisation from its strength and cohesion. A pilot study is adopted in order to reveal the real causes of the emotional disorder in combatants resulting in a negative impact on their cognitive performance. The research seeks to link between organisational toxicity, emotional disorder, and cognitive performance. A questionnaire is used to measure the impact. Research sample includes high-ranking officers working in command staff headquarter. Research findings confirm that organisational toxicity in the behaviour of some high ranking officials and officers did cause an emotional disorder and turmoil to the fighting personnel resulting in a hindrance in their cognitive performance and consequently a total deterioration of the overall performance of military forces.

Keywords: organisational toxicity; toxic leadership; deviant behaviour; emotional disorder; cognitive performance; military organisation.

DOI: 10.1504/IJWOE.2022.127666

International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 2022 Vol.13 No.4, pp.394 - 411

Received: 04 Oct 2021
Accepted: 06 Aug 2022

Published online: 13 Dec 2022 *

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